About me

IM 33 years old. Married and has a daughter. I live in Siberia. One June evening, adjusting boots with a balalaika riding a bear, fell to the ground and broke a bottle of vodka. Deciding that it couldn't get any worse, I started learning web programming.

But seriously, I wanted to get a sought-after modern profession. My choice fell on WEB development.


  • Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

  • Specialty: Economist manager

    End year: June 12, 2011

  • RS School

  • JS/FE Pre-School 2022Q2

    End year: in the process


  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Word
  • HTML:5
  • CSS

My Code

            " <!--since I have not written a single line of code yet, 
            the example is taken from the Internet--> function peak(arr) {

 for (let i = 1; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {
   let leftSum = arr.slice(0, i) .reduce ((accumulator, currentValue)=>
accumulator + currentValue); let rightSum = arr.slice(i + 1).reduce((accumulator, currentValue) =>
accumulator + currentValue); if (leftSum === rightSum) return i; } return -1; }"

Work Exaples

At the moment I do not have finished works, but I will definitely add them here as soon as they appear.